Below is an example form built entirely with Bootstrap’s form controls. Each required form group has a validation state that can be triggered by attempting to submit the form without completing it.

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Columns with icons

Featured title

Paragraph of text beneath the heading to explain the heading. We'll add onto it with another sentence and probably just keep going until we run out of words.

Call to action

Featured title

Paragraph of text beneath the heading to explain the heading. We'll add onto it with another sentence and probably just keep going until we run out of words.

Call to action

Featured title

Paragraph of text beneath the heading to explain the heading. We'll add onto it with another sentence and probably just keep going until we run out of words.

Call to action

Custom cards

Short title, long jacket

  • Bootstrap
  • Earth
  • 3d

Much longer title that wraps to multiple lines

  • Bootstrap
  • Pakistan
  • 4d

Another longer title belongs here

  • Bootstrap
  • California
  • 5d